Monday, January 16, 2012


As easy as the first part was, that's how hard the second half was. To get the JLF to sit flush with the case, it was necessary to grind off the little wings on each side as well as the shafts for the screws and the screws themselves so that there was room for the microswitches to fit underneath the gate. All reports of the difficulty of this portion of the mod were grossly understated. Especially since it seems like the screws holding the metal mounting plate, which I did not need or want were glued in or something. Anyway, the dremel did a good job of making nice deep grooves for a flathead screwdriver to get those little bastards out. Extending the existing wires to make it easier to connect them to the terminals on the stick itself was a little time consuming as well as breaking the grounds on the PCB for the JLF as its only real purpose at this point is to hold all the microswitches in the proper place. Soldering to the stick itself was easier than expected. However upon plugging it in. Nothing worked at all; buttons included. Rewiring, better ground breaking and a process of elimination to narrow down the problem. So many solutions were attempted between each test, it's difficult to determine just what the hell the problem was. Upon completion, I ran several sets with Kane, and when the X button became a little unresponsive, fixing it was as simple as opening the case, find that I'd loosened the disconnect a little too much for that button. Squeezed it shut a little, put it back on and it worked perfectly again.

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