Saturday, September 29, 2012

Work on Meghan's Madcatz SE

Here, I've begun to mod my wife's Madcatz Street Fighter IV SE Arcade Stick.  While this is primarily a cosmetic modification, the buttons are improved, and not too long ago, the ▲ button began to become intermittently unresponsive, so this fixes that, but was not the original intention.

Opening the case, disconnecting the wires, removing the buttons, popping in the new ones and reconnecting wires was as easy as it always is with these.  Once you've done this once, you can do it in your sleep. Each button has it's own color coded wire and I don't need to worry about which wire goes to which pole on the button either.  The wires already had quick disconnects on them and even slip-on shielding.

With the buttons in place, all that was left was to swap out the balltop and add on the dust washer set.  Now, because I didn't want to have to completely disassemble the stick today and it would have to happen later when we do the art and potentially, the painting, I left out the internal dust washer.  It'll be okay for now.

The stick in it's current state.  Not the final product, but I have to say, I like those colors even with the stock artwork on there.  Pretty snazzy.

Here is the proposed artwork with mock up buttons and whatnot in where they should be according to the SE layout.  This isn't quite right, but I've got the official one sitting on a .psd I don't feel like exporting.  So deal with this.

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